Reading Time: 2 minutesAlthough I don’t believe it literally, I think there’s some truth to be found in the saying “If you want to make God laugh, tell him your plans.” I have a pretty small social circle (it’s more of a dot) anyway so while my girlfriend and parents both know I’ve invested some money (read: YOLO’d) in the… Continue reading One of the harder parts of holding for me has been purposefully not talking with a single soul in “real-life” about it
Category: gme
The Fake Squeeze Already Happened. Shorts R Fuk.
Reading Time: 3 minutesHello again apes and apettes! I finished the HOC trilogy this morning and had a thought that had been sliding around on my smooth brain for a while. I am going to number my thought process since I am retarded and writing is hard. Reported short Interest is bullshit (See House of Cards DD’s by u/atobitt)… Continue reading The Fake Squeeze Already Happened. Shorts R Fuk.
Now that HOC 2 & 3 are out, I have something you have to see, Just take a look and see the stats, and let your mind extrapolate.
Reading Time: 3 minutesThis is 114 months from 4/14/21 there are so many data points you can’t see it’s absurd So a beautiful autist wrote some code and put the data on tableau, it’s the harvested FINRA FTD data for all tickers available. This is worth playing around with. But, when you do, you will come to the… Continue reading Now that HOC 2 & 3 are out, I have something you have to see, Just take a look and see the stats, and let your mind extrapolate.
We are being gaslighted right now.
Reading Time: < 1 minuteThere are many things to point out, but MSM is changing their tune drastically. Jim Cramer is now saying that the shorters are out of their minds. Wallstreetbets has high ranking GME and AMC hype. TD Ameritrade news is saying positive things about the price movement. I could go on, but it is happening now.… Continue reading We are being gaslighted right now.
Why the media never mentions r/Superstonk
Reading Time: < 1 minuteWhenever the media talks about $GME or whenever Cramer has his breakdowns, they always refer to WallStreetBets still to this day. At first I thought that they might not know about r/GME and r/Superstonk, but then it got to me. They know about us, they know about every DD people write here. They study it and spend as… Continue reading Why the media never mentions r/Superstonk
THE MEDIA JUST SHOWED THEIR HAND! How they might possibly manufacture the fake short squeeze announcement.
Reading Time: 2 minutesDisclaimer: For new apes, WAY more than 20% of the float is shorted. We likely own multiple floats alone on this subreddit. I reference it because the articles do, but this number has been paraded to us and lied about constantly. It’s self-reported and fictional. The media is going to use it to try and… Continue reading THE MEDIA JUST SHOWED THEIR HAND! How they might possibly manufacture the fake short squeeze announcement.
AMA with Wes Christian
Reading Time: < 1 minuteWelcome to the official r/Superstonk Live AMA for Wes Christian, legal advocate for financial reform! Join us as Dave Lauer hosts and u/jsmar18 moderates a discussion with questions influenced by and taken directly from the AMA post on r/Superstonk:… YouTube Live Chat is disabled but you can join the Live Chat on r/Superstonk:…… Continue reading AMA with Wes Christian
House of Cards – Part 3
Reading Time: 7 minutesAuthor of this is u/atobitt Prerequisite DD: Citadel Has No Clothes The EVERYTHING Short The House of Cards – Part 1 The House of Cards – Part 2 _________________________________________________________________________ TL;DR- No freaking way I can do that. _________________________________________________________________________ Continuing from HOC Part II… 4. Slimy… If you watched the AMA with Wes Christian, he talks about the number… Continue reading House of Cards – Part 3
House of Cards – Part 2
Reading Time: 17 minutesAuthor of this is u/atobitt Prerequisite DD: Citadel Has No Clothes The EVERYTHING Short The House of Cards – Part 1 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ TL;DR- No freaking way I can do that. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 1. Pilot I wasn’t looking into GameStop when all of this began. Most of my time was spent researching the pandemic’s impact on the economy. I’m… Continue reading House of Cards – Part 2
Don’t forget what they did. A running list of FUD.
Reading Time: 5 minutesApes have been through a lot these last few months. There is no end to hedge fuckery. Below is a list of notable times they tried to FUD Apes out of their positions. When it comes time to hold past 1K, 10K, 100K, 1M. Remember this list. Feel free to post additional examples and I will… Continue reading Don’t forget what they did. A running list of FUD.