Reading Time: 7 minutesDisclaimer: If a News Agent reads this, be aware that this post is intended to hand you a tool, maybe even a stage. Once you´ve read this post, it´s up to you to decide if you want to display credibility or drag this out, until someone else tells the story. I recommend to watch this… Continue reading Blackhole of Coverage, Biased Narrative and the Debt Crisis of News Agencies, due to Hedge Funds & Corporations ( Ticker: GME )
Hedge Funds Stole the American Economy & Created the Richest Man in the World
Reading Time: 11 minutesOh, hey, let me just finish up this game of Smash Bros, grab a coffee, smoke a bowl real quick, watch a few episodes of Twilight Zone, then let’s deep dive into this DD. It’s a certified smooth-brained wall of text I promise. I hope this write-up finds you well. Don’t mind me. Just a… Continue reading Hedge Funds Stole the American Economy & Created the Richest Man in the World
Companies Destroyed by Hedge Funds: How Gamestop was almost the next Toys R’ Us
Reading Time: 10 minutesYour favorite caffeine-addled, sleep deprived, tree chomping ape is back with a fresh pack of crayons, glitter and glue. Let’s get to it. Conflicts of interest, predatory financial organizations and potential large scale racketeering through the process of leveraged debt; just another day on Wall Street. Toy’s R’ Us store closing down circa 2018 with… Continue reading Companies Destroyed by Hedge Funds: How Gamestop was almost the next Toys R’ Us
An important reminder of why a peak in the tens of millions is highly probable??????
Reading Time: 4 minutesThe float that is available for trading is roughly 30 million shares. This stock has been naked shorted into oblivion, there are more than likely hundreds of millions of naked shorts that need to be covered, almost all of them held by retail. Now as some wrinkly brained ape recently pointed out, when a naked… Continue reading An important reminder of why a peak in the tens of millions is highly probable??????
I believe that Lucy’s reference to Overstock is the key to understanding everything that’s going on.
Reading Time: 8 minutesTL;DR: I believe there’s a trove of information buried in Overstock that will tell us exactly what Shitadel and friends are doing. In fact, I think they are working to an identical playbook using modern versions of the same techniques to manipulate the market. Sun Tzu is the good shit:Apes in January: If you know… Continue reading I believe that Lucy’s reference to Overstock is the key to understanding everything that’s going on.
Counter DD: NY Fed $400 bln reverse repos is not tied to margin calls. It’s worse.
Reading Time: 9 minutesChanged May 16th: Please see Update at bottom of post. Today there is hype about an Italian financial news site reporting that the New York Fed has lent 400 billion USD to 39 financial institutes over the past two days. It concludes that big Wall Street parties have been margin called and are panic borrowing from the… Continue reading Counter DD: NY Fed $400 bln reverse repos is not tied to margin calls. It’s worse.
I’ve estimated the current SI% based on the SI Report Cycle and Deep ITM CALL purchases.
Reading Time: 10 minutes0. Preface Not a financial advisor. Yada yada. If you actually listen to me you might want to get your brain checked for crayons. Probably no need for any more DDs from me after this one – its a cumulation of my thoughts over the past few months. People were interested in an SI% estimate… Continue reading I’ve estimated the current SI% based on the SI Report Cycle and Deep ITM CALL purchases.
The MOASS Preparation Guide
Reading Time: 9 minutesPlease read though this and possibly sticky this because I think it is very important that we all have an understanding on the game plan ?Pre-liftoff Preparation Brokers preparation – i think everyone should take the time to understand the nuances and rules that the broker applies on trading. Some brokers may have some sneaky fine prints. So… Continue reading The MOASS Preparation Guide
The MOASS is UNPREDICTABLE but here is ONE INDICATOR that it’s approaching it’s PEAK.
Reading Time: 2 minutesMy personal exit strategy will be dependant on 1 thing and 1 thing only. Margin Calls and Bankruptcy. The MOASS is going to be unpredictable and we can only speculate what the ceiling will be. For all we know the ceiling could be 20M or it could be 200m or maybe even infinite. We shouldn’t… Continue reading The MOASS is UNPREDICTABLE but here is ONE INDICATOR that it’s approaching it’s PEAK.
Post MOASS Think Piece
Reading Time: 2 minutesSo a late night post about apes being vilified post squeeze got me thinking, original post below: This is a very good point that I think more people need to be aware off, if GME does go full MOASS and us Apes end up with huge gains we’ll be strung out to dry by MSM… Continue reading Post MOASS Think Piece