Reading Time: 3 minutes“Hedge funds don’t ever lose on option plays. The recent hype “dated” posts made apes lose so much in option trading. Simply don’t trade options. I am not going to start this off by saying “I am smooth brained Ape with little knowledge blah blah…” No, I know what I am talking about and this… Continue reading My theory was 100% true about “Options Trading”. Please read this post if you care about your GME investment. OPTIONS TRADING gives unlimited ammo to Hedge Funds to keep kicking the can down the road. Smart up, buy the underlying stock and hodl.
Category: gme
Credit Suisse may have forced Archegos to short GME to maintain portfolio requirements
Reading Time: 4 minutesThis review is strictly a summary of my interpretation/smooth brained understanding of the 163 page Credit Suisse report, in particular, section 1A: A few things to start off with: according to the Credit Suisse Report, Archegos was margin called due to their LONG positions on swaps, not their shorts. Additionally, their main game was swaps.… Continue reading Credit Suisse may have forced Archegos to short GME to maintain portfolio requirements
Swapping regulations for offshore risk: the full story of how U.S. banks sidestepped Dodd Frank and put the world economy at risk once again
Reading Time: 3 minutesProf. Greenberger describes in his 2018 paper how Dodd Frank regulations were put in place to protect the global economy from dangerous Swaps trading after 2008 but these rules were sidestepped by U.S banks using an offshore loophole. The full article can be downloaded for free here: In this post I will expand on some… Continue reading Swapping regulations for offshore risk: the full story of how U.S. banks sidestepped Dodd Frank and put the world economy at risk once again
BEARISH (Negative) EXPOSURE TRS/ETRS: The Full Run-Down & Why The Market Is Most Definitely F**ked
Reading Time: 4 minutesLet me preface by saying, my brain is incredibly smooth, but because I have all my FINRA licenses, this is financial advice (oops). Now I started off as a smooth brain retard in college with a mid 2.0s GPA and somehow by the stroke of luck (and lying on my resume, why? bc fuck their… Continue reading BEARISH (Negative) EXPOSURE TRS/ETRS: The Full Run-Down & Why The Market Is Most Definitely F**ked
Reading Time: 7 minutesTLDR: The gamma spike is BAAAACCCKKKK!!!!!! Today we blew past the delta neutral AND the gamma maximum point. I’ll be honest that I don’t think I’ve ever seen that before! Although I can’t predict the future, I can use the gamma spikes to tell us if the gamma squeeze is continuing, or if we’ve peaked/another… Continue reading THE GAMMA SPIKE IS BAAAAAAACCKKKKK
The Puzzle Pieces of Quarterly Movements, Equity Total Return Swaps, DOOMPs, ITM CALLs, Short Interest, and Futures Roll Periods. Or, “The Theory of Everything”.
Reading Time: 14 minutes0. Preface I am not a financial advisor and I am not providing you financial advice. I know that many, MANY people have looked into swaps, equity swaps, total return swaps, and so forth over the months. There’s quite a few DDs on the matter! I either never saw the posts or did not dig… Continue reading The Puzzle Pieces of Quarterly Movements, Equity Total Return Swaps, DOOMPs, ITM CALLs, Short Interest, and Futures Roll Periods. Or, “The Theory of Everything”.
We were looking at the wrong indicators. Imminent market crash incoming leading to MOASS
Reading Time: 2 minutesIf you’re an OG ape, you clearly have seen and read all the DDs signalling that a market crash is coming. Several experts such as Dr. Michael J. Burry, Warren Buffet, Ray Dalio and Jeremy Grantham warned us of an inflated market and that the bubble might pop sooner than later. Such experts look at… Continue reading We were looking at the wrong indicators. Imminent market crash incoming leading to MOASS
Vlad recorded on call confirming he made a deal with NSCC in advance to restrict trading in Jan in exchange for Robinhood lowering its margin from 3 billion to 1.5 billion.
Reading Time: < 1 minute
Point72 aka S.A.C
Reading Time: 6 minutesThere has been talk lately of how we have been ignoring, or at least not paying enough attention to other players on the short side beside Citadel. I’m a January Ape who has heard of Point72 and Steven Cohen (mostly his tweet mocking us during the trading halts) and decided to look into them/him further.… Continue reading Point72 aka S.A.C
Why you should route orders to IEX
Reading Time: < 1 minute