“…we are in our own world. Those on the outside… even the ones “in the game” who haven’t read all the DD, experienced this community, followed DFV, or gotten to know RC & what GameStop is doing are in the dark. It’s crazy…”

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Flew to a wedding in NY for today and just had a little chat with a family friend who is an investment banker here (and a trader for 14 years). After a few drinks asked him what his take was on GME an if I should invest (mind you I’m an xxx hodler in since January).

His “advice” –

“GME squeezed and is overvalued. If it even gets to 400 sell.”

Jokingly I said “sounds like your short on it and fked lol”

He then admitted he had a “small” short position on GME.

I then asked if he knew who RC was and what he has been doing with GameStop’s transformation into e-commerce…. “Yeah, I don’t know. Just trust me you’ll wanna get out of you’re lucky to be up.” he said.

My only reply was “This is not finacial advice. I’m just a retarded ape who has some pretty amazingly brilliant autistic ape friends who figured out things your bank & wall street buddies won’t share with you. I bought more dip on Friday. I’m pretty sure your short position is fked. Probably, remember not financial advice, grab some shares to hedge your bet.”

‘You sound like one of those reddit twitter people’ he said.

“I appreciate the compliment.” I said ?

Apes. In this group we are in our own world. Those on the outside… even the ones “in the game” who haven’t read all the DD, experienced this community, followed DFV, or gotten to know RC & what GameStop is doing are in the dark. It’s crazy to me.

They think we’re crazy. They will say we got lucky.

So proud to be a part of this community. I’ve never felt stronger about a “bet” in my life (there’s literally no downside here in my opinion). If you’re new here and made it this far… catch up on what’s been happening and how these brilliant crayon eating retards have basically called every play that’s happened to this point. We’re winning. The end game is near. This is not financial advice.

Buy. Hodl. Vote. Don’t invest what you can’t afford to lose. No stop losses. Remove meme limits (especially those of you who had 420 & 69,420 set up). Floor is 20m and counting. Drink more water. Get good sleep. Eat better. Move your body. Get around positive people. Mental & physical health matters. The money will only solve your money probelms. Love ya’ll to the moon (literally) and beyond.

Obligatory ????????????????

Also, great great point made by u/Balenkiaa – “This is the main function of the FUD, not to keep us out of it. But to stop the flood gates of DD entering the general public.”

We have a responsibility apes, let’s continue to get the word out.

edit 2: u/PaulVla another great point – “It’s why MSM is mentioning WSB and not SuperStonk, point them to the madhouse instead of the analysts next door.”

I saw a post (if anyone knows where the credit goes I’ll update) that all the FUD is misinformation being reported and shills… but not a single news story debunking any of the DD.

The endgame is near. No dates. We know the drill.

Categorized as gme

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