Hello again apes and apettes!
I finished the HOC trilogy this morning and had a thought that had been sliding around on my smooth brain for a while. I am going to number my thought process since I am retarded and writing is hard.
- Reported short Interest is bullshit (See House of Cards DD’s by u/atobitt)
- In January, the short Hedge Funds ‘allowed’ the reported short interest to be reported at 140% which may be the maximum legal amount of short interest as suggested in one of the AMA’s – maybe Wes’? (Watch them all!)
- With all these tricks up their sleeve, why would they allow the short interest to get reported that high? I believe they already knew they were fucked. They had been shorting GME for years and it had already been turning against them well before January 2021. They set the stage for their fake squeeze in January by revealing their (at least) 140% short interest.
- Word gets around about a possible squeeze and a bunch of people jump in. The price shoots up and then they take away the buy button, kill the price while no one can buy and cue the music, curtain call ‘THE END’ preached from every bought MSM on TV and the internet. Shorts covered! Shorts covered!
- Wait, you guys are still here? Still holding? What the fuck – you’re supposed to sell and let them go back to bankrupting GameStop!
I believe that their initial plan to get out of their hot mess was to have a semi-truthful, fake squeeze in January, Vlad and the other brokers on the take were told to limit buying of the securities involved when it reached a certain level. Their plan was to trick us into thinking the squeeze had happened and that we were bagholders for an overpriced, dying company.
A few side notes:
Organizing that many brokers to all have their finger on the trigger to take away the buying power on multiple securities on the same morning? I’m not sure what backend bullshit needed to be done for this to happen but it seems like it may have been coordinated ahead of time.
Do you think it was a coincidence that the peak of these fake squeezes occured outside of regular trading hours so that no retail investors could possible get paid top dollar for their shares? I believe they engineered this shit to make apes think they missed it while ensuring none of the apes actually got in on their fake peak.
All of said securities being allowed to squeeze at the same time even though Gabe claimed it was only gamma squeezes? The prices moving in tandum for a squeeze is highly unlikely and therefore likely coordinated. (on mobile and don’t have links but I am referring to the posts that show up all the time showing the obvious similarities between the price action of GME, the movie stock and a couple others.)
If that last point is true then it would also stand to reason that all of the price action for the last 5 months may be complete bullshit. Like someone trying to struggle out of the grip of a massive silverback gorilla perhaps. Whoever is behind the wheel of this price action is driving the prices of GME and others the same way.
The price is a LIE. The shorts are FUCKED. Their fake squeeze already happened and it FAILED. Apes get tendies if they BUY, HODL and VOTE. ?????????✨???
TL;DR Up until now, I was thinking that taking away the buy button in January was a knee jerk reaction but the fact that they reported high short interest has never sat well with me, knowing that they can easily manipulate that number. I believe that the entire January ‘squeeze’ was planned and allowed to try to stop apes from buying. That was their fake squeeze – it already happened and it failed. Now they are well and truly fucked.
This is not financial advice. I’m a grown ass ape who watched another grown ass ape shove a banana up his ass – who the fuck would take financial advice from this retard?