Reading Time: 5 minutesI recently saw a post from r/DDIntoGME which had said that essentially, if the overnight reverse repo lending that’s been going on keeps going in the same pattern it has been, it is going to start reaching its “maximum” amount of lending(500 BIllion) around Friday. I wanted to piggyback off of that post because it brought to… Continue reading Here’s what will happen after the Reverse Repo Limit Reaches Its Maximum (Spoilers: Very much NOT good for Citadel and friends)
Tag: Short squeeze
?IMPORTANT? ALL apes need to read this to prepare for squeeze, or risk potentially losing profit!
Reading Time: 11 minutesPreface: Been asked by several apes to repost this DD I wrote 2 months ago in r/gme to here for newer apes and for visibility. I’ve made some slight edits / updates as well. And now, without further ado… So you’ve been combating FUD, HODLing/buying during 30-60% dips, and reading DD nonstop cuz you like the stock.… Continue reading ?IMPORTANT? ALL apes need to read this to prepare for squeeze, or risk potentially losing profit!