Talk of Sears, GME & The Hive Mind

Reading Time: 2 minutesSeeing a lot of chatter all of a sudden. Must be a hive mind thing. I’ve been ringing this bell literally for months, and I want to clear the air. Here’s the deal … Sears started to squeeze along with GameStop back in January. It wasn’t the only one. I suspect that’s because, like GameStop,… Continue reading Talk of Sears, GME & The Hive Mind

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Exposing the Long Con – Amazon vs Basket Shorts & Delisted Companies (Sears, Blockbuster, GameStop)

Reading Time: 2 minutesOverview Hedge fund goes long on Amazon and shorts Amazon competitors. Profits through increase in long position valuation and short profits. Hedge fund gets competitors delisted, where they only trade via OTC. Hedge fund can close position and take profits or not close, but still retain cash (from shorting) and a liability with an almost nil valuation… Continue reading Exposing the Long Con – Amazon vs Basket Shorts & Delisted Companies (Sears, Blockbuster, GameStop)