One of the harder parts of holding for me has been purposefully not talking with a single soul in “real-life” about it

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Although I don’t believe it literally, I think there’s some truth to be found in the saying “If you want to make God laugh, tell him your plans.”

I have a pretty small social circle (it’s more of a dot) anyway so while my girlfriend and parents both know I’ve invested some money (read: YOLO’d) in the stock-market that’s about as much as they know – my girlfriend saw my proxy voting materials and saw that they were for GameStop but she’s still about as clueless to trading and the market as I was just a few months ago and actually basically still am.

So she’s been having a really hard week at work and texted me today that she feels especially exhausted, overwhelmed, and is starting to hate her job (so, typical wage-slavery) – a job she just started that was supposed to be a huge improvement in nearly every area over her last one and related to the field she’s interested in.

I so desperately want to be able to tell her to stop worrying, that we’re going to have a fuckton of money soon but really I can’t make that promise because I don’t actually know that for certain, as convinced as I am personally. I’m pretty sure but I still can’t make that leap to bring her hopes into my gamble.

For similar reasons I’ve never tried to convince anybody else I know to ‘buy-in’, although I can already predict some future “If you knew why didn’t you let me know so I could be rich too?” situations and the answer is pretty simple – I don’t want to be held personally responsible for someone potentially losing a lot of money, whether by paper-handing during a dip or selling too early on the way up and having to live with an insane amount of lost profit. As much as I love this community I can also see how from an outside perspective it initially seems to share some characteristics with very insular conspiratorial communities but for me personally, that doesn’t matter because I like the stock and I like r/Superstonk.

This particular ‘conspiracy’ just happens to be 100% true and yes, they do all say that but again, doesn’t matter – time will almost always reveal what is true and what isn’t.

I missed the buttcoin train years ago but I was lucky enough to not be too late for this rocket – I just hope as many other people catch a ride as they can without me having to convince them or proselytize.

To those of you who have talked your friends and family into Ape-hood good work – I know they will appreciate you later – it’s still not something I can bring myself to do.

Categorized as gme

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