What follows is largely a repost of a post I made a couple of months ago. It was well received back then and far exceeded my expectations for it and since Superstonk’s size has multiplied I thought it might be worthwhile for new apes too. I’ve made some edits and additions to it and made it better overall I think but if these kinds of pseudo reposts/updates aren’t allowed Mods can delete. I do believe this kind of content has an important place on the sub though as we close in on the MOASS.
Okay Apes let’s get to it. The DD has been done, The DD has been consumed by apes and there has been no rebuttal to the facts of our DD anywhere. There is always new DD coming out but by now we all should know that it is inevitable. The MOASS could happen any day now There are a lot of possible catalysts approaching fast that each on their own could launch us to Andromeda. OR launch could be next week or next month or whenever but that just gives us longer to prepare. Every day is one day closer!
Let’s face it. The decisions you make during the squeeze are going to be some of the biggest and most important of your whole life. I hope that this post will help some apes prepare to be in a good frame of mind, and in as good physical and mental shape as possible in the time we have left. So that as many of us as possible can be in the right shape to make the right decisions for ourselves and all Apekind.
The bottom line is that your preparation before and health and wellbeing at the time of the squeeze and during the squeeze will have an impact on your decision making and ability to think accurately. I believe you’re letting yourself down to not prepare and to not look after yourself and be good for the squeeze before, during and after.
This is not financial advice. I’m just an ape trying to share some of what I know that I believe is of value to other apes and give back to this amazing community. I’ve learnt so much on this journey with you Apes and already changed my life for the better regardless of the squeeze.
I’ve always been interested in maximising health and wellbeing and physical/mental performance/self improvement but 5 years ago I developed a long term illness and became obsessed with this stuff. I’ve now done a tonne of research and experimentation in the last 5 years and found some things that really work and am now in an amazing place in life.
I’m going to split this into 3 sections, one each for preparing and nourishing your mind, body and soul for the MOASS. All of these intertwine to create a truly healthy person inside and out and if one of these areas suffers, sooner or later the others will suffer too because of it.
Preparing the Mind
Prepare and read as much exit strategy DD as possible until you feel confident in what you need to do come the squeeze. Have an exit strategy in mind, this post is not for going into exact exit strategy DD in terms of peaks and dips and price points, others have and will cover that better than I would be able.
Most of all I believe we need to prepare ourselves to grip tighter and become true diamond hands and HOLD on as we rocket through the atmosphere and past the moon.
This DD is about giving you some practical strategies so you will be prepared to stay calm as the rocket launches and be ready to welcome the 7, 8 and 9 digit numbers like old friends. Do not be scared of the big numbers, they are your destiny. Calm = better decision making = more tendies for all the apes = a new world post MOASS.
“It is now a well-known fact that we stimulate the same brain regions when we visualize an action and when we actually perform that same action. For example, when you visualize lifting your right hand, it stimulates the same part of the brain that is activated when you actually lift your right hand.”
Visualisation and mental rehearsal are the real deal, when not practising physically professional athletes visualise plays and certain movements they perform during play nonstop. This is proven to help performance and increase the CONFIDENCE of being able to execute at a high percentage.
I’ve personally used this in my own amateur sport career to great effect and in other areas of life like business and the gym too.
How I propose this can be used for the MOASS prep and what I have been personally doing:
Close your eyes and imagine yourself in as much detail as you can, checking the ticker during the squeeze and seeing certain numbers for GME maybe 10k, 100k, and up to 1m, 10m, 100m, Visualise yourself sitting there viewing the ticker and holding, getting up and coming back to your computer and still holding easily for as long as it takes until your floor. By all accounts the MOASS will last a while. With halts and everything and the insane amount of shorts that need covering the minimum I can see it being done in is 10-20 days. I’ve also seen sensible longer estimates with the DTCC having a max of 35 days to cover after the hedgies are liquidated meaning this could be a long and tiring MOASS.
So we have to Imagine the price dipping and then soaring back up multiple times over multiple days/weeks sitting through days and days of high volume before thinking of selling, and then selling one by one on the way down (or not, your exit strat is yours, I’m sure many of us will be keeping some for the infinity pool too as I will). Or the price sitting at a peak for a while before the DTCC kicks in and it soars higher. Visualise and mentally rehearse yourself going through days of this and multiple different scenarios, going to bed sleeping well and waking up the next day. living your normal life just holding throughout with your diamondest of diamond hands and then when you deem the time is right – pulling off your exit strategy flawlessly.
Do this once a day and I promise you will be more confident during the MOASS and more likely to achieve your exit strategy goals.
FUD Combat
Most of us have been here a while and are now impervious to FUD and the addition of Satori by our world class mod team is a mind blowingly awesome development BUT FUD can be very sneaky so we must remain vigilant, during the MOASS it is expected that FUD levels will be insane.
I don’t buy into the common sentiment that these people are stupid; evil, greedy, wreckless and irresponsible yes but we should not underestimate their intelligence and cunning.
Stay vigilant and be ready to fall back on your training of the past few months and remember the most basic facts of the DD. We own the float, shorts must cover, we can name our price.
If reddit goes down, have your contingencies ready and in place. Follow mods on twitter, Gangnam style comment section and this trick ready for being able to access Reddit when its down:
Practising mindfulness
“According to neuroscience research, mindfulness practices dampen activity in our amygdala and increase the connections between the amygdala and prefrontal cortex. Both of these parts of the brain help us to be less reactive to stressors and to recover better from stress when we experience it”
The benefits of mindfulness and meditation are countless and the science is now irrefutable. Practising mindfulness through meditation is in my opinion the number one best thing you can do for your mind to keep it working well and be more at peace with the world. I’ve now meditated everyday for almost 4 years and am able to deal with stressors relatively easily. It’s hard to put into words how powerful a meditation practise is. There is a reason such a high percentage of the most successful people have a daily meditation practise.
My favourite meditation quote:
“Your mind is the basis of everything that you experience and of every contribution you make to the lives of others. Given this fact, it makes sense to train it.” — Sam Harris
Practise 10 minutes a day to start if that is all you can manage. I would highly recommend trying out some longer duration guided meditations too, the longer the meditation the more beneficial effects you will witness in my experience.
I find it a lot easier and better lying down when I meditate without having to worry about posture especially if you’re a beginner.
I recommend the insight timer app for free guided meditations perfect for beginners and experienced alike. Pick a highly rated one, block out some time to chill and work on yourself and trust the instructor and go with it. Remember it is meditation practise not meditation perfect, don’t expect to be a master straight away, be kind and encouraging to yourself for doing something positive.
The goal is not to have zero thoughts. The goal is to be the witness to your thoughts and observe without engaging in them.
Once you start to see benefits and enjoy the practise it becomes a true joy.
If you’re feeling stressed, anxious or overwhelmed or feeling FUD during the MOASS or at any point in daily life chucking on a good guided meditation is a surefire way to snap out of that state and gain some clarity as to what is happening and how best to move forward.
Do this and your MOASS experience will work out better than if you don’t, I’m fairly certain of that.
Be discerning with where and how you spend your mental energy.
Social media is designed by some of the brightest minds of our time to keep you scrolling, to keep you clicking and to keep you getting those tasty dopamine hits. To suck as much of your time and attention per day as possible into their app. With GME this is even more powerful with the delicious hits of confirmation bias that we can deliver to ourselves so easily.
There is such a thing as too much though and when you’ve already done enough reading and DD and upvoting and Apeing for the day or the week you need to be able to realise that you’ve come to that point of diminishing returns and take the power back. Put your phone down and switch off from all of this. You don’t want reddit (or Facebook or IG, youtube etc.) to be taking up too large of a percentage of your day to where you are neglecting other important things in your life, depriving yourself of sleep and healthy living habits etc. It is very easy to do because of how powerful and addictive these technologies are but being aware of it is the first step to taking back control if you think you have an issue with this.
I personally think it is an unfair fight for us against this addictive technology and the might of the tech giants. I enlist the help of app blockers on my phone and PC to limit my use of certain social media apps and websites. I would definitely recommend at least having them on at night so you can’t stay up too late in the internet wormhole and badly affect your sleep.
You wouldn’t want the MOASS to start and for you to be tired and dopey from mindlessly scrolling social media all night the night(s) before. You want to be awake, well rested and alert and confident in your ability to execute when you need to during the MOASS.
Preparing the Body
I’m sure most of you intellectually know the basics of what I’m going to say now but seriously if you don’t have some of these healthy habits in your life already what better time is there to start than now? What better reason to look after yourself so you can perform during and after the MOASS.
Make sure you’re getting some form of exercise everyday. We will all be at different levels of fitness and know-how but anything is better than nothing. I know during covid it’s tough for some but even just getting out in the fresh air once a day and going for a leisurely walk will be very beneficial for mind, body and soul. Don’t jump straight into intensely working out if you’ve been doing nothing, that could potentially have you exhausted come the MOASS which is the opposite of what we want. The goal is to just not be completely sedentary and to be in a better place mentally and physically than you are now even if it’s just a few steps in the right direction.
Getting some sunlight on your skin is such an underrated and overlooked aspect of health these days. We all spend so much time inside on our devices.
Make an effort to get at least 20-30 minutes of sunlight a day if possible, ideally with your shirt off so you can absorb more of that delicious vitamin D. Vitamin D is responsible for the proper function of an amazing amount of mechanisms inside our bodies and so many of us are deficient.
This will also have the added benefit of balancing your circadian rhythm and allowing you to sleep better.
If it’s not sunny where you are, get a vitamin D supplement and start taking it.
Getting outside and in nature and the fresh air even for a short while during the day even if its not sunny where you are will still benefit you.
I’m not going to get too deep into this as some people get so attached to their diet and ideologies surrounding food.
Just make an effort to eat better than you have been, nearly all of us have some room for improvement in our diets. Focus on whole foods that are nutrient dense as far as your budget allows and try to stay away from the shit we all know is not good for you, the heavily processed fatty, carby, sugary shit. Don’t overeat, eat to satiation and stop.
I believe so many modern health problems are caused by humans having an unnatural relationship with food today. We have changed from treating food primarily as a fuel for our bodies and minds to now using it more as a tool to make ourselves feel good for short bursts when we are eating it. Putting the importance of taste far above that of real nutrition and not giving ourselves the building blocks we need to perform to our best.
Treat more of your meals primarily as fuel and your health and relationship with food will improve.
Being well rested and getting your sleep is one of the major keys to being at your best. For some it is not easy and it took me a long time to improve my sleep habits from being terrible to now being able to consistently get 7-8 good hours a night and go to bed at a decent time.
Here are some basic tips that make all the difference – try to get to sleep before 10PM, hours of sleep before midnight are worth more than the hours of sleep after midnight according to a lot of people and I have found this to be the case in my experience.
Limit your phone and exposure to blue light before bed, ideally have your phone in another room at night so you aren’t tempted by it and make a commitment to not use your phone for an hour before bed so you can switch off. Create a night time and bedtime routine and stick to it.
If you have trouble getting to sleep try one or all of these – a yoga nidra guided meditation, magnesium L-threonate or a good quality melatonin supplement. I’m also a fan of CBD as well.
Doing the other things in this post particularly the sunlight, meditation and exercise should also help you sleep better and more easily.
Nourishing the Soul
if you’re some cyborg that doesn’t agree we all have a soul skip this section lol.
Enjoy yourself and switch off from this whole GME saga for a while each day. Do what you love, spend quality time with your loved ones, your friends, play with your pets, watch your favourite shows, engage in your hobbies, get out in nature. Do the things that keep you out of your head and bring you into the present moment and recharge and nourish yourself.
Practising gratitude is very powerful, with research in recent years finding that it has emotional, social, personality, career and health benefits.
This is a good article that lays this out in detail. https://positivepsychology.com/benefits-gratitude-research-questions/
Besides the basic things we all have in life to be grateful for, stop and think about how lucky we are to be in this position. Realise how fortunate we are to be given this incredible opportunity. This is massive. Out of 7 billion+ people we are part of the few million or so that know about the MOASS and are in a position to change our lives and the history of the world while fucking some greedy hedgies and making ourselves rich in the process.
Make no mistake this saga will go down in history and we were the ones lucky enough to be there before it all kicked off and in just the right place to benefit from it. This is truly a one of a kind history making phenomenon and we are here all together on the brink, Ape with Ape doing something so special it is hard to fathom.
We are going to look back at this as some of the best times of our lives I’m sure of it, be thankful.
And finally lets fucking enjoy this shit!
This kind of goes along with gratitude but lets fucking enjoy this shit! Being jacked to the fucking tits is fun as fuck and should be a daily occurence. Watch some hype videos and fist pump, dance, do whatever, read your favourite bias confirming DDs and get fucking JACKED to the tits with your fellow apes. There is a time for serious DD and a time for laughing and being filled with joy and excitement about this coming MOASS and amazing, strange time we are living through.
This is a once in a millenia occurrence and we are part of it, lets fucking enjoy it and lets get fucking JACKED to the tits!
Hopefully this post can convince some of you that preparing for the MOASS in these ways is the smart play both for yourselves and Apekind.
Good luck during the MOASS fellow apes and may we all blast off to the andromeda galaxy and return with mind boggling amounts of tendies and more stories for our grandkids.
TL;DR The MOASS is close and could happen any day now and if it doesn’t, every day we are STILL one day closer. Prepare by looking after yourself so that you are in the best mental and physical condition possible to hold throughout and past the launch phase and initial moonshot and successfully execute your exit strategy and make the most of it for yourself and all Apekind. Do this by nourishing your body, mind and soul.
Tendies are cool, very cool but take it from me as someone who found this out the hard way; health truly is wealth. Look after yourselves Apes.