THE LONG CON: The markets are frothing with liquidity. PART 5

Reading Time: 3 minutesAN APES GUIDE TO CRYPTO PART 5 How Wall St. conquered the wild west of crypto by laundering funds obtained from illegal naked short selling practices through stock market exchanges worldwide. THE FLIGHT TO QUALITY: MAY 4TH and Cinco De Buyo day That wonderful little bit of NSCC 802 legislation that was key to try… Continue reading THE LONG CON: The markets are frothing with liquidity. PART 5

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THE LONG CON: The markets are frothing with liquidity. PART 4

Reading Time: 10 minutesTLC: THE LONG CON: The markets are frothing with liquidity. AN APES GUIDE TO CRYPTO PART 4 How Wall St. conquered the wild west of crypto by laundering funds obtained from illegal naked short selling practices through stock market exchanges worldwide. WHAT IS A BLACK SWAN? A black swan is an unpredictable event that is… Continue reading THE LONG CON: The markets are frothing with liquidity. PART 4

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THE LONG CON: The markets are frothing with liquidity. PART 3

Reading Time: 11 minutesTLC: THE LONG CON: The markets are frothing with liquidity. AN APES GUIDE TO CRYPTO PART 3How Wall St. conquered the wild west of crypto by laundering funds obtained from illegal naked short selling practices through stock market exchanges worldwide. ——————————————————————– The first theory is straightforward. You can pump up the crypto market when buying… Continue reading THE LONG CON: The markets are frothing with liquidity. PART 3

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THE LONG CON: The markets are frothing with liquidity. PART 2

Reading Time: 11 minutesTLC: THE LONG CON: The markets are frothing with liquidity. AN APES GUIDE TO CRYPTO PART 2How Wall St. conquered the wild west of crypto by laundering funds obtained from illegal naked short selling practices through stock market exchanges worldwide. ——————————————————————–CHAPTER 3: The Long Con begins; LEVERAGE IN CRYPTO “They mistook leverage for genius” –… Continue reading THE LONG CON: The markets are frothing with liquidity. PART 2

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THE LONG CON: The markets are frothing with liquidity. PART 1

Reading Time: 9 minutesTLC: THE LONG CON: The markets are frothing with liquidity. AN APES GUIDE TO CRYPTO PART 1How Wall St. conquered the wild west of crypto by laundering funds obtained from illegal naked short selling practices through stock market exchanges worldwide. ————————————————————————Contributors: (sources, written input, quantitative analytics, general research) u/Con101smd u/Camposaurus_Rex u/SajiMeister Proof read by: u/Bye_Triangle… Continue reading THE LONG CON: The markets are frothing with liquidity. PART 1

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Anatomy of parabolic moves and how GME is heading to 1000$ a share.

Reading Time: 4 minutesGood day apes and apettes (thanks u/kibblepigeon for teaching me that “ape” is already a gender inclusive term), just wanted to jacque your tettitas a lil more if I can. Here’s the dissection of a parabolic move on an x security, movement to 1 is parabolic but is also a little parabolic move inside a bigger parabolic move (5).… Continue reading Anatomy of parabolic moves and how GME is heading to 1000$ a share.

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The MOASS Preparation Guide 2.0

Reading Time: 13 minutes******************************************************* I’m just gonna start off by saying that this is a sequel to The MOASS Preparation Guide, a post I wrote a few months ago. I felt it deserved an updated version considering so much that has happened recently, also i’ve learned a lot since then. This guide will be pretty in depth but don’t… Continue reading The MOASS Preparation Guide 2.0

Categorized as gme

The NYSE threshold list: collapsing shorts and launching the MOASS

Reading Time: 8 minutesTA;DR: threshold list killed small shorts in January. Big shorts took on their positions. Threshold list restrictions coming for big shorts too. Watch for GME being added to the threshold list. TL;DR: restrictions associated with extended periods of failures to deliver inform the past six months of GME shenanigans. These restrictions killed the small players who were… Continue reading The NYSE threshold list: collapsing shorts and launching the MOASS

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Most of you are helping the GME shorts and you don’t even know it

Reading Time: 6 minutesSince many of you are looking at new brokers, it’s a good time to see which ones allow you to opt-out of share lending. Some brokers (cough Robhinhood) will happily loan out your shares to people who want to short stocks you own. Did I mention the gobs of money they make doing this? The following table… Continue reading Most of you are helping the GME shorts and you don’t even know it

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Explanation for smooth brains how dark pools can be used to suppress the price

Reading Time: 2 minutesThe National Best Bid and Offer (NBBO) is a quote that reports the highest bid price and lowest ask (offered) price in a security, sourced from among all available exchanges. Retail orders can either be sent to an exchange, or they can be fulfilled in a dark pool. If the orders are sent to an exchange, then those orders will impact the calculation… Continue reading Explanation for smooth brains how dark pools can be used to suppress the price

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