Holy shit. I was skeptical of all the high ceilings being thrown out until I put the pieces together. I honestly think GME is priceless, and the most valuable stock you will ever buy. Here’s the full picture, as I understand it…

Reading Time: 7 minutesFirst of all, I’d like to start off by stating this post is completely nonpartisan. GME is not a political debate, it’s a class war. Okay, let me ask you guys this — how many of you knew that when the pandemic began, the FED pumped $3 trillion dollars into the markets? I watch the… Continue reading Holy shit. I was skeptical of all the high ceilings being thrown out until I put the pieces together. I honestly think GME is priceless, and the most valuable stock you will ever buy. Here’s the full picture, as I understand it…

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A House of Cards – Part 1

Reading Time: 10 minutesAuthor of this is u/atobitt. TL;DR- The DTC has been taken over by big money. They transitioned from a manual to a computerized ledger system in the 80s, and it played a significant role in the 1987 market crash. In 2003, several issuers with the DTC wanted to remove their securities from the DTC’s deposit… Continue reading A House of Cards – Part 1

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Cost basis and trade price issues

Reading Time: 5 minutesHi everyone, There have been a lot of posts recently on these two subjects – crazy cost basis reports when transferring out of Robinhood, and some anecdotal reports (or maybe just a single report?) about some fractional share executions outside of the NBBO. I’ve made some comments on those threads but I thought it might… Continue reading Cost basis and trade price issues

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Connecting the Dots- Citadel’s Treasury Market Short

Reading Time: 5 minutesSo I’ve been looking into the MASSIVE amounts of Reverse Repo lending and I think I came up with a theory that ties Shitadel into all of this. This is all speculation, so take this all with a big grain of salt…. What is a Reverse Repo (RRP)? Investopedia states: “A reverse repurchase agreement (RRP) is an act of… Continue reading Connecting the Dots- Citadel’s Treasury Market Short

Categorized as gme

The flurry of rules before the storm. DTC, ICC, OCC are prepared. GME might be hitting T+35 and T+21 crossover next week, pulling the house of cards down.

Reading Time: 10 minutes0. Preface I’m not a financial advisor – and I am not providing you financial advice! This is all my interpretation of what is going on. Anyways, I wanted to ask… I’m hype. Are you pretty hype? I keep coming back because I love you guys, and I love the fact that there has been… Continue reading The flurry of rules before the storm. DTC, ICC, OCC are prepared. GME might be hitting T+35 and T+21 crossover next week, pulling the house of cards down.

Categorized as gme

The final nail for Citadel – And you’re holding the HAMMER!!! ?

Reading Time: 4 minutesThis is a summary of what we have discovered: ? Citadel adds a new branch to hide certain holdings (Ashler) Obtains a large portion of Freddie Mac (percent not known) Some insane shit goes down in January with their books Major drama and defaults happen, all connected to Citadel New rules are passed by the… Continue reading The final nail for Citadel – And you’re holding the HAMMER!!! ?

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