Reading Time: 4 minutesStrategy ape here. I’m deep into Part 2 of The Sun Never Sets on Citadel (HOLY SHIT IT’S GETTING WILD), and in light of dlauer’s awesome post today I’d like to clear up some of the terms we use. I see many apes throwing around the terms “synthetic” shares or “rehypothecated” shares interchangably. They are NOT interchangable –… Continue reading Apes, language matters. You should know the difference between SYNTHETIC shares, PLEDGED shares, FTDs, and HYPOTHECATED/REHYPOTHECATED shares.
Author: Stonks
The Dollar Endgame PART 2 “The Ouroboros”
Reading Time: 22 minutesApes, this is a continuation of my Dollar Endgame Series. You can find Part 1 here. I am getting increasingly worried about the amount of warning signals that are flashing red for hyperinflation- I believe the process has already begun, as I will lay out in this paper. The first stages of hyperinflation begin slowly, and as… Continue reading The Dollar Endgame PART 2 “The Ouroboros”
Dark Pool Not Required, Market Markers can Control Pricing w/out Orders Reported, “Riskless” Principal Non-Tape Classification
Reading Time: 8 minutesMarket markers maybe using the “riskless” principal because MM controls majority of the trades and has the ability to see Payment for Order flow including limit orders. MM just needs to group all orders on buy sides and never report transaction on u/dlauer “10 sec” tape. Here’s the references from FINRA rule. Q102.2: Does the 10-second reporting… Continue reading Dark Pool Not Required, Market Markers can Control Pricing w/out Orders Reported, “Riskless” Principal Non-Tape Classification
Dark Pools, Price Discovery and Short Selling/Marking
Reading Time: 5 minutesRecently, and since I’ve joined this sub-reddit, there have been a ton of questions around the role that Dark Pools play in US equity market structure. I wanted to put together a post to clarify some things about how they operate, what they do, and what they cannot do. Dark pools were created as part… Continue reading Dark Pools, Price Discovery and Short Selling/Marking
Looks like the recent RobinHood Class Action SI Report just proved /u/broccaaa’s data. That the shorts haven’t covered, that they hid SI% through Deep ITM CALLs, and SI% is a minimum of 226.42%.
Reading Time: 4 minutes0. Preface I am not a financial advisor and I do not provide financial advice. Thoughts here are my opinion, and others are speculative. Shout out to king /u/broccaaa for their contributions. I always figured that your assumptions were correct that the SHFs were using these Deep ITM CALLs to hide SI%, but we never got some… Continue reading Looks like the recent RobinHood Class Action SI Report just proved /u/broccaaa’s data. That the shorts haven’t covered, that they hid SI% through Deep ITM CALLs, and SI% is a minimum of 226.42%.
Where and how Citadel/other hedge funds have been hiding their short positions, and a true estimate of how many short shares are currently being hidden.
Reading Time: 6 minutesHello there fellow apes! I have an interesting theory to share with you today, that if plausible, would be able to explain how Citadel (and maybe even other hedge funds with massively overleveraged positions against GME) have been hiding the true extent of their short position, as well as give a good estimate of how… Continue reading Where and how Citadel/other hedge funds have been hiding their short positions, and a true estimate of how many short shares are currently being hidden.
Wait… Is NSCC-002 about to turn the T+21/T+35 loop into a death spiral of T+0 as we approach Q2 end?
Reading Time: 6 minutes0. Preface I am not a financial advisor. I do not provide financial advice. Many thoughts here are my opinion, and others can be speculative. So, NSCC-002 just got approved, along with NSCC-801 for one-hour margin calls. Not only did it get approved, it got accelerated approval and will be in effect Wednesday, June 23rd. This got me JACKED.… Continue reading Wait… Is NSCC-002 about to turn the T+21/T+35 loop into a death spiral of T+0 as we approach Q2 end?
Hyperinflation is Coming- The Dollar Endgame: PART 1, “A New Rome”
Reading Time: 20 minutesI am getting increasingly worried about the amount of warning signals that are flashing red for hyperinflation- I believe the process has already begun, as I will lay out in this paper. The first stages of hyperinflation begin slowly, and as this is an exponential process, most people will not grasp the true extent of… Continue reading Hyperinflation is Coming- The Dollar Endgame: PART 1, “A New Rome”
Reverse Repos, DTC-2021-005, SR-NSCC-2021-002, Banks, and the C-Market: How it’s all connected and how we might be on the verge of the House of Cards falling.
Reading Time: 7 minutesEDIT: 002 is not coming into effect tommorow as a fellow redditor has pointed out to me in the comments. It is going to get approved or denied, then implemented either same day or up to 10 days after approval(as far as I am aware)EDIT 2: Fixed some minor formatting and phrasing issues to make… Continue reading Reverse Repos, DTC-2021-005, SR-NSCC-2021-002, Banks, and the C-Market: How it’s all connected and how we might be on the verge of the House of Cards falling.
The Fed is pinned into a corner from the 2008 can-kick utilizing QE, and the economic effects of COVID. They are stuck battling a collateral crisis AND a liquidity crisis. The Fed is currently fudging the numbers of treasuries to hide a collateral shortage and to try to prop the economy up.
Reading Time: 16 minutes0. Preface I am not a financial advisor. I do not provide financial advice. Many thoughts here are my opinion, and others can be speculative. I’m personally happy to see that there is a shift from GME DD to macro-economics DD. Because it provides a much wider insight into how the market is behaving, and… Continue reading The Fed is pinned into a corner from the 2008 can-kick utilizing QE, and the economic effects of COVID. They are stuck battling a collateral crisis AND a liquidity crisis. The Fed is currently fudging the numbers of treasuries to hide a collateral shortage and to try to prop the economy up.