Reading Time: 15 minutesTL;DR: You should read this. Links to the previous parts of this Deep Dive are in the comments. Sources to back up my claims as well. As we dive further into the interconnected manipulations of the art and stock markets by Kenneth Griffin and Steven Cohen, I want to start off with a story. In… Continue reading A DD on how SHF are manipulating the art and collectable markets, a history of fuckery, insider trading exposed, and a final hoorah before the storm. PART 4. The final chapter.
Author: Stonks
A DD on how SHF are manipulating the art world, a lesson on income inequality, how this relates to GME, including how Steven Cohen has been planning to enter into the physical video game trading and related collectable market for years. PART 3
Reading Time: 23 minutesEdit: Since I have been asked: DD: Deep Dive (also known as Due Diligence in the legal and professional world). SHF: Shorting Hedge Funds, in particular Citadel (Kenneth Griffin) and Point72 (Steven Cohen). These are hedge funds who place bets and profit on a company’s bankruptcy through the derivative side of the stock market. GME:… Continue reading A DD on how SHF are manipulating the art world, a lesson on income inequality, how this relates to GME, including how Steven Cohen has been planning to enter into the physical video game trading and related collectable market for years. PART 3
A DD on how SHF’s are manipulating the art market, billionaires from all political sides and countries are colluding, and how the entertainment industry is becoming a propaganda machine against the poor. PART 1
Reading Time: 12 minutesTL;DR: The rich use art to launder money, build collateral, and pay off blackmail and bribes. Also, Steven Cohen is entering the Hollywood entertainment business by creating his own agency firm that has already attracted a lot of top Hollywood players. Buy and hold, love your loved ones. This post is a batshit deep dive… Continue reading A DD on how SHF’s are manipulating the art market, billionaires from all political sides and countries are colluding, and how the entertainment industry is becoming a propaganda machine against the poor. PART 1
Glossary – understand Reddit DD
Reading Time: 7 minutesSource: Term Description After hours (AH) After market hours. US markets are generally open Monday through Friday from 9:30 AM to 4PM Eastern Time Zone. After-hours trading sessions can run as late as 8PM Eastern Time.[1] All time high (ATH) The highest price or volume on record for a given security.[2] Assets under management… Continue reading Glossary – understand Reddit DD
I Ain’t Hear No Bell
Reading Time: 5 minutesauthor u/atobitt TL;DR – Hedgies are up to the same ol’ same ol’ bullsh*t. Here’s some FINRA literature to keep you entertained while waiting for lift off. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ WHAT THE F*CK IS UP, APES!? Once again, I’ve been dabblin’ in the data. Even after months of this sh*t, I’m still pleasantly surprised when I find more… Continue reading I Ain’t Hear No Bell
Oh F#ck, You’re Gonna Make Me GAMMA – A Brief Post Looking Ahead
Reading Time: 3 minutesGood Morning Hodlrs, Wow. What an interesting few days we’ve had. Nonetheless, I hope everyone enjoyed their weekend and are as excited as I am to be back in the casino free-and-fair market. Let’s jump straight in, shall we? First off, if you haven’t checked our favorite Pomeranian u/Criand‘s latest post, here it is. TL;DR: T+21/35 is confidently dispelled, however… Continue reading Oh F#ck, You’re Gonna Make Me GAMMA – A Brief Post Looking Ahead
OTM PUTs are the passed puck of short positions that is slowly being passed back. The price movements are around monthly options, SLD periods, and net capital requirements. Not FTDs.
Reading Time: 13 minutes0. Preface I am not a financial advisor. I do not provide financial advice. Many thoughts here are my opinion, and others can be speculative. Speaking of which – this whole post is rather speculative. It needs more discussion. I marked it as possible DD. This is a spill of thoughts. Notably two things here which need further… Continue reading OTM PUTs are the passed puck of short positions that is slowly being passed back. The price movements are around monthly options, SLD periods, and net capital requirements. Not FTDs.
r/Superstonk DD PDF backup (670 pages) as of July 7 2021
Reading Time: < 1 minuteHere is a PDF version of all DD saved by some ape in the event of the sub sliding. It contains 670 pages of DD, some of it being also listed on this blog.
A Castle of Glass – Game On, Anon
Reading Time: 18 minutes***Imperative top of post edit***: For anyone who’s already read this post**,** please go to the bottom and tell me to edit 3 isn’t saying what I think it’s saying…that info is a bit out of my field so I need help verifying this, but I deduced to the best of my ability…if I’m right in reading that..69420D chess has… Continue reading A Castle of Glass – Game On, Anon
Reading Time: < 1 minuteThis is an unaltered copy of the original document. Disclaimer (later edit post mod meltdown event) the document was compiled with the help of u/hey_maddie who has created a huge stirring of the r/Superstonk sub. More about this here here and here