January GME OTC trades increased by 32% last week! The financial system is so corrupt that they allow criminals like Robinhood to cook their books almost 6 months after the public data is published. Ironic that FINRA’s website is called OTC TrAnSpArEnCy. Hey FINRA, SEC, GG, FBI – what doing???

Reading Time: 3 minutesThe OTC Conspiracy plot thickens…January 2021 OTC trades just increased by over 32% overnight. I was compiling data for a separate DD, but found this new “glitch” on the FINRA OTC website data and feel like we need more eyes and ears on it before the data “expires” on the OTC website. Keep your screenshots apes! Robinhood… Continue reading January GME OTC trades increased by 32% last week! The financial system is so corrupt that they allow criminals like Robinhood to cook their books almost 6 months after the public data is published. Ironic that FINRA’s website is called OTC TrAnSpArEnCy. Hey FINRA, SEC, GG, FBI – what doing???

Categorized as gme

Computershare Megathread!!- DRS- Direct Registration of your GME shares ♾⛲

Reading Time: 8 minutesUpdated August 17- 8 Business days total from starting the process of buying a share, to owning it in my name with Computershare. Now to transfer for my infinity pool ♾⛲?? Like many of you, I’ve been reading a lot about Computershare lately and direct registration of GME shares. After getting some promising insight, I… Continue reading Computershare Megathread!!- DRS- Direct Registration of your GME shares ♾⛲

Categorized as gme

Are futures or swaps the secret sauce to price movements? Meme stocks move in baskets. Futures can be opened on baskets, which can be rolled out before four major expiration dates: March 11, June 10, September 9, December 9. Rolling out REQUIRES losses on the original contract to be settled.

Reading Time: 8 minutes0. Preface I am not a financial advisor – and this is not financial advice. I was looking this up last night and it made me lose some sleep because everything started to click. Seriously I think I got maybe four hours at most. I’m flipping out. I need you guys to be reasonable and… Continue reading Are futures or swaps the secret sauce to price movements? Meme stocks move in baskets. Futures can be opened on baskets, which can be rolled out before four major expiration dates: March 11, June 10, September 9, December 9. Rolling out REQUIRES losses on the original contract to be settled.

Categorized as gme

Proof Of Price Suppression and Its Source – And a few other Things

Reading Time: 7 minutesSo I posted this in r/GME, b/c it got removed here after mentioning a different ticker, so I amended it, and hopefully it will stick this time…. So, I saw this bid come in at the end of the day – 2500 shares for … $1.10 – One dollar and ten fucking cents! The Order came… Continue reading Proof Of Price Suppression and Its Source – And a few other Things

Categorized as gme

CNBC has now removed the Gary Gensler interview from their YouTube channel. Here’s the full 15 minutes, for safe keeping here in the Jungle. Note his opinion of retail redditors hasn’t changed- we aren’t doing anything wrong here ??‍♀️

Reading Time: < 1 minuteWhen asked what he thinks of reddit investors discussing stocks online: “I think it’s the same as it’s been for decades- it’s trying to foster good debate and dialogue, just like on this program here (CNBC) about investing and the retail engagement is positive, but also to guard against fraud and manipulation. And whether that’s… Continue reading CNBC has now removed the Gary Gensler interview from their YouTube channel. Here’s the full 15 minutes, for safe keeping here in the Jungle. Note his opinion of retail redditors hasn’t changed- we aren’t doing anything wrong here ??‍♀️

Categorized as gme

Major Signals are Flashing Code Red in the Shadow Banking System- Reverse Repo hitting $1T is just the Tip of the Iceberg

Reading Time: 16 minutesAs I am sure everyone saw, last Friday the Fed’s O/N Reverse Repo figure hit a record $1 Trillion, shattering all previous records. In my first ever DD in May (here) I hypothesized that the reason for the sharp increase in RRPs was due to Citadel and other SHFs shorting the Treasury Market (from Atobitt’s The Everything… Continue reading Major Signals are Flashing Code Red in the Shadow Banking System- Reverse Repo hitting $1T is just the Tip of the Iceberg

Categorized as gme

ACTUAL price impact of moving FROM S&P SmallCap 600 TO S&P MidCap 400 – this dip was to be EXPECTED – have no fear, this is NORMAL – IMPORTANT READ BEFORE TOMORROW

Reading Time: 4 minutesThere was a study from Texas A&M that was highly cited in Superstonk last week upon news of GME moving from the S&P SmallCap 600 to the S&P MidCap 400. I myself wrote a summary of the conclusions of this study on what to expect: https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/oswfnz/gme_to_the_sp_midcap_400_on_aug_4th_possible/ I and others who cited this study missed something very… Continue reading ACTUAL price impact of moving FROM S&P SmallCap 600 TO S&P MidCap 400 – this dip was to be EXPECTED – have no fear, this is NORMAL – IMPORTANT READ BEFORE TOMORROW

Categorized as gme

Ever wondered which big banks are on the opposite side of GME?

Reading Time: 9 minutesSup PsYcHoLoGiCaLlY dIsTuRbEd investors. Need a break from gam–i–fy–ing the markets? Ever wondered which of the big banks are on the short end (pun intended) of GME? Rest your FDs, weary GaMbLeRs, and wonder no more. Before we begin, yes this is a new acc. WSB retard that deleted my acc post Jan sneeze and mod takeover. Been… Continue reading Ever wondered which big banks are on the opposite side of GME?

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GME Dark Pool Trading is Different than other Security Dark Pool Trading and a Look at Citadel, and all other OTC exchanges, that traded OVER 1.27 BILLION shares of GME between Dec 2020 and May 2021. And these share DO NOT reflect in the volume the public can see! SO MANY SYNTHETIC SHARES OUT THERE!

Reading Time: 6 minutesHi Apes, this is my first “DD” so go easy on me but feel free to correct anything that needs it. A few days ago I started posting updates on “Dark Pool” trades (Alternative Trading Systems, or ATS) and had a lot of feedback that I was sharing information that was misleading and that GME… Continue reading GME Dark Pool Trading is Different than other Security Dark Pool Trading and a Look at Citadel, and all other OTC exchanges, that traded OVER 1.27 BILLION shares of GME between Dec 2020 and May 2021. And these share DO NOT reflect in the volume the public can see! SO MANY SYNTHETIC SHARES OUT THERE!

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