Reading Time: 3 minutesEdit x: Hijacking my own post to give u/Get-It-Got‘s post on Sears the visibility it deserves: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ So I was reading this: And the interesting part was: Thankfully there’s a TA;DR And what if those perpetual short positions were all at risk on the 27th so they had to shut off the buy button because we… Continue reading Did we ever talk about Blockbuster’s January movements?
Author: Stonks
Talk of Sears, GME & The Hive Mind
Reading Time: 2 minutesSeeing a lot of chatter all of a sudden. Must be a hive mind thing. I’ve been ringing this bell literally for months, and I want to clear the air. Here’s the deal … Sears started to squeeze along with GameStop back in January. It wasn’t the only one. I suspect that’s because, like GameStop,… Continue reading Talk of Sears, GME & The Hive Mind
Exposing the Long Con – Amazon vs Basket Shorts & Delisted Companies (Sears, Blockbuster, GameStop)
Reading Time: 2 minutesOverview Hedge fund goes long on Amazon and shorts Amazon competitors. Profits through increase in long position valuation and short profits. Hedge fund gets competitors delisted, where they only trade via OTC. Hedge fund can close position and take profits or not close, but still retain cash (from shorting) and a liability with an almost nil valuation… Continue reading Exposing the Long Con – Amazon vs Basket Shorts & Delisted Companies (Sears, Blockbuster, GameStop)
A Deep Dive Into The “Basket” of Meme Stock Swaps: ft. Headphone Stock
Reading Time: 5 minutesGood day, Long before Criand et al’s meme basket swaps DD masterpiece gained traction, I had noticed that headphone stock (K-O-S-S) had been tracking GME’s crazy trading not only with uncanny precision, but with even wonkier numbers. K-O-S-S briefly made some media waves alongside GME and popcorn stock in January, but has been largely absent from the… Continue reading A Deep Dive Into The “Basket” of Meme Stock Swaps: ft. Headphone Stock
Gamestop being a victim of Jeff Bezos
Reading Time: 2 minutesVeteran Apes will be familiar with this theory. I’ll attempt to summarize: Amazon has been using Ken Griffin to naked short infiltrated companies in order for Amazon to steal market share from current and future competitors. It’s possible that Bain Capital got involved in this scheme through Toys R Us. Foundational DD (both are great): u/jumpster81: Bust Out Schemes… Continue reading Gamestop being a victim of Jeff Bezos
Grains of rice to illustrate the difference between $100k, $1M, $1B, and $Bezos
Reading Time: < 1 minute
An UPDATED breakdown of the GME squeeze situation: Things to look forward to
Reading Time: 15 minutesI was asked to repost this every once in a while… and now seems like a better time than ever to cut through the noise with the GME situation, and to focus on what is important to understand / consider. A lot has changed since I last posted this, and so I am rewriting this… Continue reading An UPDATED breakdown of the GME squeeze situation: Things to look forward to
Ultimate Wargame Theory: The Beginning – Total Return Swaps, RRPs, and the Voltron Fund
Reading Time: 21 minutesI have been working on the Ultimate Wargame Theory for almost two months now. Then today I had an aha moment: I think what I’ve learned might explain RRPs and the role of Total Return Swaps (TRS) in the Gamestop saga and the global economic volcano. This wargame short story will also serve as a… Continue reading Ultimate Wargame Theory: The Beginning – Total Return Swaps, RRPs, and the Voltron Fund
The start of the SWAPs: packaging ‘meme’ stocks up into toxic debt bundles. It’s 2008 all over again!
Reading Time: 10 minutesHere we’ll take a look at where the huge GME short positions might have been hidden since Jan and come up with some theories for why we’ve seen the odd price cycles in 2021. This post is heavily influenced by the phenomenal work of u/criand and other great DD posted on the sub in recent weeks. If… Continue reading The start of the SWAPs: packaging ‘meme’ stocks up into toxic debt bundles. It’s 2008 all over again!
The Crooks keep Cookin’ like Nobody is Lookin’! Robinhood continues to “adjust” their January and February OTC trades 6 months later. Last week they increased their February GME OTC trades by 70.49%. You can’t make this shit up… Here’s your weekly update of “Crooks Cookin’ the Books”!
Reading Time: 7 minutesAbsolutely loving the continued efforts to sort out the shady tactics of these financial criminals. I feel like we’ve come such a long way over the past few months. Let’s keep it up! Last time we spoke about the OTC, Robinhood had increased the GME January OTC trades by over 32%. Well after I posted, they… Continue reading The Crooks keep Cookin’ like Nobody is Lookin’! Robinhood continues to “adjust” their January and February OTC trades 6 months later. Last week they increased their February GME OTC trades by 70.49%. You can’t make this shit up… Here’s your weekly update of “Crooks Cookin’ the Books”!