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Exposing the Long Con – Amazon vs Basket Shorts & Delisted Companies (Sears, Blockbuster, GameStop)

Reading Time: 2 minutes Overview Hedge fund goes long on Amazon and shorts Amazon competitors. Profits through increase in long position valuation and short profits. Hedge fund gets competitors delisted, where they only trade via OTC. Hedge fund can close position and take profits or not close, but still retain cash (from shorting) and a liability with an almost nil valuation… Continue reading Exposing the Long Con – Amazon vs Basket Shorts & Delisted Companies (Sears, Blockbuster, GameStop)

THE LONG CON: The markets are frothing with liquidity. PART 5

Reading Time: 3 minutes AN APES GUIDE TO CRYPTO PART 5 How Wall St. conquered the wild west of crypto by laundering funds obtained from illegal naked short selling practices through stock market exchanges worldwide. THE FLIGHT TO QUALITY: MAY 4TH and Cinco De Buyo day That wonderful little bit of NSCC 802 legislation that was key to try… Continue reading THE LONG CON: The markets are frothing with liquidity. PART 5

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THE LONG CON: The markets are frothing with liquidity. PART 4

Reading Time: 10 minutes TLC: THE LONG CON: The markets are frothing with liquidity. AN APES GUIDE TO CRYPTO PART 4 How Wall St. conquered the wild west of crypto by laundering funds obtained from illegal naked short selling practices through stock market exchanges worldwide. WHAT IS A BLACK SWAN? A black swan is an unpredictable event that is… Continue reading THE LONG CON: The markets are frothing with liquidity. PART 4

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THE LONG CON: The markets are frothing with liquidity. PART 3

Reading Time: 11 minutes TLC: THE LONG CON: The markets are frothing with liquidity. AN APES GUIDE TO CRYPTO PART 3How Wall St. conquered the wild west of crypto by laundering funds obtained from illegal naked short selling practices through stock market exchanges worldwide. ——————————————————————– The first theory is straightforward. You can pump up the crypto market when buying… Continue reading THE LONG CON: The markets are frothing with liquidity. PART 3

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THE LONG CON: The markets are frothing with liquidity. PART 2

Reading Time: 11 minutes TLC: THE LONG CON: The markets are frothing with liquidity. AN APES GUIDE TO CRYPTO PART 2How Wall St. conquered the wild west of crypto by laundering funds obtained from illegal naked short selling practices through stock market exchanges worldwide. ——————————————————————–CHAPTER 3: The Long Con begins; LEVERAGE IN CRYPTO “They mistook leverage for genius” –… Continue reading THE LONG CON: The markets are frothing with liquidity. PART 2

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THE LONG CON: The markets are frothing with liquidity. PART 1

Reading Time: 9 minutes TLC: THE LONG CON: The markets are frothing with liquidity. AN APES GUIDE TO CRYPTO PART 1How Wall St. conquered the wild west of crypto by laundering funds obtained from illegal naked short selling practices through stock market exchanges worldwide. ————————————————————————Contributors: (sources, written input, quantitative analytics, general research) u/Con101smd u/Camposaurus_Rex u/SajiMeister Proof read by: u/Bye_Triangle… Continue reading THE LONG CON: The markets are frothing with liquidity. PART 1

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CONFIRMATION – Loopring and GameStop Partnership – HOLEE FUCKEROO

Reading Time: 4 minutes Through a collab effort we’ve pieced together the smoking gun ? We have the direct connection from Loopring source code and gamestop.com ??? This isn’t another one of those mere github leak posts. This is the real deal. Gamestop and Loopring have shown publicly, albeit in a whisper, their passionate love affair brewing. “We’re definitely fucking, and… Continue reading CONFIRMATION – Loopring and GameStop Partnership – HOLEE FUCKEROO

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The Loop Capital, Magic Johnson, Credit Suisse and Citadel connection. Awwww snap.

Reading Time: 8 minutes I heard some guy on the news talk shit about the stock I love so much, so I decided to use my weaponized autism to look into the company he represents and try to understand their motives for talking shit. Spoiler: We found some shit. Let’s connect some dots: Anthony Chukumba works for Loop Capital.… Continue reading The Loop Capital, Magic Johnson, Credit Suisse and Citadel connection. Awwww snap.

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Zombie Stocks Spiking Are a Result of SHFs Covering | [Time to Clear Up the Confusion]

Reading Time: 8 minutes Ok, I continue to see misinformation being spread in this sub that shorts are benefiting from these zombie stocks. It’s not true, and if it continues, can intentionally/unintentionally be spreading FUD to Apes, making them think SHFs are somehow in control of this and able to continue dragging it all out. Let me be clear… Continue reading Zombie Stocks Spiking Are a Result of SHFs Covering | [Time to Clear Up the Confusion]

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The Crooks keep Cookin’ like Nobody is Lookin’! Robinhood continues to “adjust” their January and February OTC trades 6 months later. Last week they increased their February GME OTC trades by 70.49%. You can’t make this shit up… Here’s your weekly update of “Crooks Cookin’ the Books”!

Reading Time: 7 minutes Absolutely loving the continued efforts to sort out the shady tactics of these financial criminals. I feel like we’ve come such a long way over the past few months. Let’s keep it up! Last time we spoke about the OTC, Robinhood had increased the GME January OTC trades by over 32%. Well after I posted, they… Continue reading The Crooks keep Cookin’ like Nobody is Lookin’! Robinhood continues to “adjust” their January and February OTC trades 6 months later. Last week they increased their February GME OTC trades by 70.49%. You can’t make this shit up… Here’s your weekly update of “Crooks Cookin’ the Books”!

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