Absolutely loving the continued efforts to sort out the shady tactics of these financial criminals. I feel like we’ve come such a long way over the past few months. Let’s keep it up!
Last time we spoke about the OTC, Robinhood had increased the GME January OTC trades by over 32%.
Well after I posted, they further increased these January OTC trades. These were supposedly updated on “8/12” but as my post was on 8/15, it seems like that date is somewhat arbitrary.
Before (from my last post):


An increase in 2,006 shares and 1,978 trades on 1/4/21
Those increases in the scheme of the monthly data are meaningless. However, the fact that they’re still increasing their January trades (7 months later) after already updating the data the week prior speaks to how insane the trading was during January and February and how fucked they truly are.
From the FINRA OTC website:

Now updated 8/12It turns out they weren’t done with their Book Cookin’…
I present February OTC data – last updated by Robinhood Securities on 8/19/2021

Comparison of Old OTC data and New OTC data. A modest 6.57% increase in total OTC trades. However, Robinhood increased their OTC trades by 70.49%!
Robinhood increased their February OTC trades by 70.49% on 8/19!

Here’s a screenshot from my previous DD The OTC Conspiracy from 4/25:

Here’s another image from my post on 4/25:

Why didn’t they previously report any of their OTC activity from January? Why do they keep changing their February OTC data?Let’s take a closer look:
I hate updating my spreadsheets to reflect their OTC changes 6 months after the data is published.
I hate that FINRA and the SEC are enabling this bullshit.
And I hate Robinhood and Vlad, cuz Fuck Them.

So here’s a Master Table to summarize their OTC involvement to date:

They’ve made 5.976 million trades with 6 million GME shares to their ‘clients’ in the OTC
Highlighted in the S/T column are the weeks where total shares = total trades or were within 1 share of total trades. OTC manipulation at its finest.
Highlighted in the 2nd to last column are weeks were GME accounted for more than 4% of their total OTC trades (pretty much every week from late February through April).
The far right column is GME’s OTC rank in # of OTC trades. As you can see, GME was in the Top 5 of OTC traded stocks 11 of 13 weeks from 1/19 through 4/12 (DFV options week). The only weeks it was not in the top 5 was 2/8 and 2/15, before the second run-up.
Their recent OTC rank (from 6/28 on) reflects the change from NMS Tier 2 to NMS Tier 1.
Here’s the OTC data for the Week of 2/1/21, showing RH’s recent update / contribution.

Previously reported OTC trades for this week were 0, now 364,015 trades, updated 8/17.
And here’s another one from the Week of 2/15.

Previously reported 14,907 trades, now 45,525. Updated 8/16.
And don’t forget 2/22!

Previously reported 755,424 trades, now 767,770. Updated 8/17.I decided to look a little closer at the 2/22 data, since the run-up yesterday felt a lot like that run-up on 2/24.

During the week of 2/22, RH accounted for 0.62% of the weekly share volume, but 24.22% of weekly trades. GME was 17.37% of their total OTC activity for that week!
During the week of 2/22, RH accounted for 0.62% of the weekly share volume (red line), but 24.22% (red line) of the weekly trades. GME was 17.37% (red line) of their total OTC activity for that week!
GME was only 0.70% of the total shares for these OTC participants, but 5.52% of total weekly OTC trades. High frequency trading?
GME was the Top traded OTC stock that week (by trades) and every single OTC participant (except Wolverine and LEK) had GME trades accounting for >1% of their total OTC trades.
The shares/trade for GME on the OTC was 38.39, while the shares/trade for the Total OTC (including GME), was 303.66.
During the week of 3/8 (remember that big dip we saw on 3/10? Pepperidge Farms remembers…), RH was the top OTC participant with another 764,285 trades. They were responsible for 1.00% of the weekly shares, but 25.81% of the weekly trades. GME made up 19.89% of the total OTC shares and 20.93% of their total OTC trades that week.
GME was only 0.50% of the total shares for these OTC participants, but 6.15% of the total weekly OTC trades. High frequency trading again?
GME was the Top traded OTC stock that week (by trades) and every single participant (except HRT) had GME trades accounting for >1% of their total OTC trades.
The shares/trade for GME on the OTC was 25.84, while the shares/trade for the Total OTC (including GME) was 319.45.I’ll leave you with a few more tables for the true data donkeys!
I bolded all the participants each week who had %Trades GME >1% (last column).
5/24 (moderate fuckery) vs 5/31 (slightly less fuckery)

5/24 – GME is 5.68% of RH’s OTC trades, 5.56% of RH’s OTC shares
5/24 – GME was 2.28% of the total OTC trades and was the #2 OTC traded stock. However, GME was only 0.20% of the total OTC shares traded, which is reflected in the low shares/trade for GME 32.14, vs the OTC (including GME) 357.97. 10 of 10 had %Trades GME >1%, including 5.68% for RH, 5.32% for Drivewealth, and 7.25% for NFS.
5/31 – GME was 1.24% of the total OTC trades and #7 OTC traded stock. Shares/trade for GME was 28.93 vs. 323.11 for the entire OTC (including GME). 8 of 10 had %Trades GME >1%.
6/7 (major fuckery after earnings) vs 6/14 (less fuckery)

826,774 weekly OTC trades during the week of earnings.
6/7 – GME was 1.96% of the total OTC trades and was #5 OTC traded stock. GME was only 0.20% of total OTC shares traded, which is reflected in the low shares/trade for GME 33.95 vs the OTC (including GME) 328.60. 10 of 11 had %Trades GME >1% (all but HRT).
6/14 – GME was 0.92% of Total OTC trades and was #11 OTC traded stock. GME was 0.09% of total OTC shares traded. Shares/trade for GME was 30.49 vs 323.11 for the OTC (including GME). 4 of 10 had %Trades GME >1%.
And last, but not least, that random volume spike during the week of 8/2 at least partially caused by De Minimis Firms, and not any of our beloved OTC participants.

Shares/trade for GME during the week of 7/26 was 20.49 – an All-time low

Here’s a diesel OTC summary table, updated to the best of my ability with the latest RH adjustments. I apeishly made a new measurement to detect extremes in volume (shares) or trades by just multiplying them together. Good for detecting crime. I used a GME float of 58.06 million so the shills can’t shill.
And just so I’m not only picking on Robinhood, Drivewealth Institutional, who first entered the GME OTC frenzy in April, is owned by Point72 (15% ownership) and Steve Cohen.
I could keep going, but I can imagine I lost a lot of you in the details and that seems like a good stopping point for now.
Join me next time on, “Crooks Cookin’ the Books”, featuring Robinhood and their OTC clients, the manipulative MM giants.
No cell, no sell.
Buy, HODL, and Buckle Up!TLDR
- Robinhood continues to “adjust” their OTC data from January and February.
- My last post showed a 32% increase in GME January OTC trades.
- This post shows that they continued to “update” their January data on the FINRA OTC website.
- Last week, they increased their February GME OTC trades by 70.49%.
- RH is responsible for up to 25% of the weekly OTC trades, but less than 1% of the weekly OTC shares.
- Are they involved in high-frequency trading? Why do they only trade in 1.0000 shares/trade?
- Weeks the highest OTC trading (2/22, 3/8, 6/7) were weeks where we saw major dips (2/25, 3/10, 6/10).

Quite the increase in GME OTC trades over the past 11 months, wouldntcha say?
Edit 1 – added a little more discussion to the data tables above
Edit 2 – TLDR, Monthly table, Total OTC weekly table