We were looking at the wrong indicators. Imminent market crash incoming leading to MOASS

Reading Time: 2 minutes

If you’re an OG ape, you clearly have seen and read all the DDs signalling that a market crash is coming. Several experts such as Dr. Michael J. Burry, Warren Buffet, Ray Dalio and Jeremy Grantham warned us of an inflated market and that the bubble might pop sooner than later.

Such experts look at different indicators to have a clear vision of how healthy our markets really are.

Those indicators can be :

  • Brisk debt / GDP
  • M2 money supply
  • PMI Stage V Recovery

Here is what the M2 money supply chart looks like :

r/Superstonk - We were looking at the wrong indicators. Imminent market crash incoming leading to MOASS

M2 steadily increasing since Covid-19

Smaller investors may look at different indicators such as :

  • lot of stimulus checks being given by the government
  • Oreos releasing a cookie with more stuffing

Here is the latest Oreo with more stuffing, re-released in 2021 by popular demand (?? much?) :

r/Superstonk - We were looking at the wrong indicators. Imminent market crash incoming leading to MOASS

Now this is stuf racing

Ape investors like myself use an indicator that is not widely spread. I can’t think of a better indicator to signal that a market crash is imminent. It is a pleasure to share it with the shrewdness. ?

I present to you…*drum roll*…

Soybean Oil Futures!

The gigantic crash of ’08 could have been predicted with this indicator. People weren’t able to look at the right place.

Soybean oil futures chart :

r/Superstonk - We were looking at the wrong indicators. Imminent market crash incoming leading to MOASS

Do you smell something funky?

So the price of these futures spiked up from 2007 to 2008 before rapidly crashing down to ’04 levels. Since the second half of 2020 up to today, futures have mooned again to ’08 levels.


Market crash = MOASS

Thanks for reading!

See you all on Moonday ??????????????????????


I did not see his post, but u/Smokypro7 found the indicator first and posted about it. Credit given where credit is due. Go give him some love!

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