A Message From Elliot Waves Guy ?

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Whats up Apes! Did something different for today and I think you’ll love it. I made a super in depth youtube video teaching elliot wavs AND did my GameStop analysis (also analyzed SPY). Would mean the world if you checked it out, I promise you’ll gain some wrinkles!

If you don’t believe technicals apply to GME, skip to like 18 minutes in and watch me blow your mind.

Edit: jus wanna clarify I’m not like other youtubers at all, this is my first video in months and I’m making it solely for education purposes. I will continue posting DD regularly . My first and only other GameStop related video was made before superstonk existed?

edit: TLDR by popular demand: EW works (I just explain it for the whole vid and apply it. this GME cycle as stated in previous DDs is targeting minimum 440 and if we see some really crazy shit then 1200 before a downward move, though 1200 is a “hyperextension” this isn’t the squeeze, this is before the squeeze. 8 figs + or bust

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