I must start this post by complimenting u/criand. The events of the past week seem to have confirmed his theory of the FTD loop missing link: the coupling of T+21 for Market Makers with T+35 for Clearing agencies to cover positions. As he so clearly explained: this feels eerily similar to the February and March run-ups.
HOWEVER, what happened after those run-ups? The price dropped. To higher support levels than previously, but it did drop. This is a clear indicator that they’re running out of their protection layers and that we are closer and closer to cracking them to get our well-deserved tendies.
Shitadel, Susquehanna, Point 72 and even the clearing corporations are hoping that apes will paper hand now in June. They’re trying TO SURVIVE THROUGH JUNE RELYING ON APES SELLING BEFORE THE NEXT TIME THAT T+21 AND T+35 CONVERGE.
If the rocket does not ignite after the shareholder meeting, something that might happen considering that it is a significant catalyst, or if Ryan Cohen does not ignite it with some measure then we MUST HODL for a few more months.
Remember that our opponents always relied on one thing to win: that they will outlast the attention span of the retail investor. All these rules that provide them extra time to cover their positions were tailored with their input precisely for that: this is a classic rent-seeking strategy – change the rules of the game to benefit the dominant players.
This is why Buffet says that the market is a way to transfer wealth from impatient to the patient. In a quite literal sense, the rules are written to benefit the players that can afford to wait longer for their plays to come to fruition. You want to make life changing money. HODL. Don’t settle for less than insane gains.
The pressure for us to sell after the shareholder meeting will be insane. You might see another mini-squeeze up to the thousands. But do you guys want MILLIONS per share? Then resist the temptation to settle for less.
PS – I would like to ask u/criand: when is the next time that T+21 and T+35 will converge? If the MOASS does not start in the next couple of weeks, then it has the highest likelihood to happen then.
Edit. The mention of September in the title refers to when I estimated the T+21 and T+35 would align again. I did not intend to establish a deadline “by September”. If there’s no MOASS in June, and they manage to avoid it in September we MUST HODL. Our best weapon is buying and holding as long as necessary because that is the only strategy that the hedge fucks couldn’t twist in their favour.