Imagine the SI is 300% (not even that crazy a thought anymore) of the float. If all apes sold at exactly 20M and every short covered at that price, assuming no non-float share is sold, the bill would be just shy of 20 times the fucking WORLD GDP OF 80 TRILLIONS. Can I just draw attention to that number for one second? Now I don’t care if you believe that floor is realistic or not, even a 1 million floor would take the world economy for a wild ride. In 2021 usd, the 2008 crash cost the US 10 trillion and pales in comparison to potential in GME.
Any bill that reaches such prices, from a fuck-up that could have been avoided, will set in motion events that will change everything and impact just about every human on planet earth, save maybe a few uncontacted tribes here and there. On top of that, 2021 is in the age of social media, and Wall St has made sure to let AT LEAST 300 thousand apes get to know the ins&outs of financial corruption, with months long data gathering, documentation, and evidence beyond reasonable doubt. A platform for experts and professors in financial fraud has been created, blowing entire circus wide open to reveal the unthinkably asymmetric bet GME to such a degree, I’m positively convinced that the only reason the entire world isn’t FOMO’ing in is because real investigative journalism is just not as profitable as rage clickbait content, media lies, and “too good to be true, must be a scam, but what if retail sells for [low number here]?” attitude. Any lies about this will be BTFO of the water by a swarm of pissed off apes armed with months worth of DD, and other media sites that, at the very least, just presents the data as is. This is not rich short guy vs rich company owner, it’s literally flesh and bones Wall St dudes with names vs the abstract concept of global retail investors. Kenny risks getting spit in the face by the janitor at Costco and refused entrance to the bar where he wanted to drink his future depression away, assuming he somehow escapes 5 prison-for-life sentences, simply because THAT’S RETAIL. How can you defend yourself against that? You can’t. Call me optimistic, but I seriously doubt anyone is gonna have just a second of success with any blame shifted onto retail.
That said, pure speculation, but I can imagine we’re already in the middle of an economic paradigm shift. World currencies going to shit, crypto losing proportionally little value compared to hyperinflating dollars, stocks tanking, markets imploding, the great depression of the 21st century. The Fed is, as far as I understand, already out of ammo, because what are those chumps gone’ do? Lower interest rate again? Yeah, it’s already pedal to the fucking metal low, coking up the market until it falls over into the dirt and has to spent years in rehab, until debt is settled, institutions and companies are liquidated, and enough people have their lives destroyed because Wall St and the Fed once again had to go and prove holding in a sneeze is as dangerous as your mom told you.
IMO, the red thread here is the destruction of supply and demand. What do I mean? For just about everything in this world, the price is determined by supply and demand. The fabled regulating “law of markets” that determines the real price of something. With enough market competition between individual actors, a more-or-less fair value emerges. Sounds good, seems to work better than other ways to determine value, by far… But it kinda sucks that we can’t just “create value” out of nothing… you know, let’s take this concept and just yeet it out of this universe when it comes to currencies, loans, baking, and certain financial assets (like shares), and let’s just make the “supply” line infinite, as long as don’t lose control of it, we’re gonna be fiiiiine, we’ll be fiiiiiiiiiiiiine. It’s not like fiat currencies (that is, currencies backed by nothing but the good will of the Governments issuing them) all have a thousand year long historic value that ENDS IN 0, FOR EVERY SINGLE ONE. You might as well consider the value of a nation’s fiat currency a sort of timer like “once this gets close enough to zero, we’re gonna do something REALLY stupid and drastic to see if it fixes the issue”. That’s what I mean, and how this entire economic school of thought of just purebred new-synthesis lunacy is gonna survive the storm is beyond me. Austrian economists LMAOing at us poor sods from their graves right about now.
I write in hyperbole to create a bit of drama in my text, but I really mean it when I claim that the world is on the possible tipping point of changing forever, like Cuban Missile Crisis levels of serious. I’m not thinking that we’re living in crypto-land Type 1 civilization shit by Autumn, but this could potentially undermine the very idea upon which our entire world economy is built. It’s kinda breathtaking to know that we have the privilege of seizing this moment, and I’d be happy to hear you beautiful primates’ opinion on this topic of the “post-MOASS” world, whether you share my sentiment or not.
Edit: Some spelling errors because I can’t spell