I thought I’d summarize some information about the juicy morsel of information that was just discovered. I will try to keep it to information rather than opinion.
As has been rapidly circulating online, https://nft.gamestop.com/ was discovered. This site is real and official. You cannot fake a subdomain.
It has a curious little thing of numbers and letters near the bottom
Those who aren’t in crypto might not know that this is a an ERC (etherium) address. If we plug it into etherscan we get… https://etherscan.io/token/0x13374200c29c757fdcc72f15da98fb94f286d71e
What is this! A GME crypto token!
I had one of my crypto friends look into the code, he found this:
launchDate is a unix timestamp, which again if you are unfamiliar with this stuff might not mean anything to you. If we convert this:
Wed Jul 14 2021 11:20:00 GMT+0000 is the launch date for gme crypto.
(opinion: I think that is just the date that you could publicly purchase the tokens! I believe they would distribute a dividend of them before they were available for purchase, because the thing that forces ALL shorts to HAVE to cover is the token being unavailable to acquire.)
But what could this mean? Some ideas…
GME is going to pull an overstock-style crypto dividend, which if executed correctly would force all shorts to have to cover, no margin call needed.
>GME Launches NFT platform
>Digital Game licenses w/ reselling
>All publishers want in because of permanent smart contract returns for peer-to-peer trade of the digital copy in perpetuity
>GME is the steam killer
>Fundamentals primed for moon
>Shorts have to cover
GME token backed skin marketplace, plays well with the idea of pre-order and retailer specific skins
A user suggested they could somehow use blockchain to curb console scalping, if so maybe even graphics cards?
Being able to play a game in any launcher? Or without any launcher. Open source launchers?
Anti-piracy by requiring a linked NFT game ownership
Cross game avatar/identity
lets hear your ideas!
i liek dis stock
Edit: another bit of info, this screenshot has been floating around. Note the source code block at the bottom. link
edit: Also, if you haven’t found it, there is a tinnnnny little dot next to the header on the nft.gamestop.com website. If you click it, you get to play a game where you are a cat on the moon. Can’t make this shit up.
edit2: someone made this connection
Edit3: this guy is the head of blockchain at Gamestop, give em a follow! https://twitter.com/finestonematt/status/1397309790964047872?s=19
He tweeted this VERY interesting tweet https://twitter.com/finestonematt/status/1395051881844592641?s=19
Edit4: I crawled through the game and website code and found no additional information hidden in there
If anyone finds any inaccurate info or corrections please let me know!